Went out to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal today mid morning just to reacquaint myself with the place. Got surrounded by bison and could not move the car for awhile. Luckily had two cameras with me. This is one of the shots. Any critique is fair game
D500. Nikko 70-300 at 195, ISO 560. 1/640 sec, f9.
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Great subject and atmosphere, I also like the insects on the face, but I find the picture bit small to say anything more.
It may benefit from more overall space around the Bison.
I love the flying dust, Kathy. I was hoping for a shot like this at the National Bison Range, but I think there had been too much rain and the soil was caked too hard for them to bother.
Thanks for the replies, Jagdeep and Dennis! When I go again I plan on taking at least one 50 mm lens in case they mob me again. Jagdeep, I agree, need more room! I just wondered if this was too dark on the bison fur. So hard to get detail there!