Black Oak Glow

The winter back light through the remaining black oak leaves made them positively glow. Combined with the back light on the mossy trunks, I couldn’t resist this tree.

Specific Feedback Requested

I went back and forth on the luminosity of the background. First, I thought if it was darker, the leaves would pop out even more. Making it darker, though, ruined the happy mood of the scene, even though those leaves are so bright and warm. Finally went for a medium level of cool light for the background. So, any comments on the color are welcome.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
a7r3, f/16, 1/100s, ISO 400.

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Backlit trees are always fun, Bonnie. I think you got the best out of this with your processing. While it’s a bit busy, I like the main set of trees and the background is nicely muted. Very happy mood indeed.

Really good one, Bonnie. Great light and colors and the comp works for me. Processing looks good too. Getting really picky, maybe clone out the hot leaves in the LRC and along the bottom edge?

Oh wow! This works for me! The leaves have progressed gracefully to the rust stage, and the bits of backlit green moss are such a great foil that demand my attention!

Our winter green moss on trees has always held great attraction and fascination for me but I’ve yet to translate that to anything “on paper”.

Bonnie, the few trees that hld their leaves through the winter are always a delight. You’ve captured this one very well. I think the balance between the leaves and the rest of the scene looks good. My one thought is that you might crop about half of the darker area on the left to even more emphasize the backlit leaves and the glowing trunk of the main subject. In spite of that statement, I like the left/right balance between the main subject and the dark trunk on the left.

Thanks, @Harley_Goldman, @David_Bostock, @Diane_Miller, and @Mark_Seaver for your thoughts.

Oh, good eye! Yes, those need to go.