Blowin’ in the Wind
Blowin’ in the Wind
Blend of two frames of the same tree, one with more blur than the other
Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
I paid a visit to a local park yesterday to shoot some fall color. It was sunny, but windy. I was trying to do something different, and decided to experiment with some long exposures using a 10 stop ND filter to obtain 60 second exposure on a sunny day. Here are two images I liked.
Specific Feedback
All feedback welcome!
Technical Details
60 secs, f/16, ISO 31. Processed in ACR and PS.
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Great idea Patrick! Instead of fighting the elements, you chose to use that to your advantage. Of the two images, I prefer the first due to the colors and motion in the leaves. I do wish there was even more motion especially in the top section. You could achieve this by stacking multiple 60 sec exposures in post production.
The second image has good depth as I’m looking up into the canopy. The motion feels like bokeh in some areas which I quite like. Nice work on both images Patrick.
@Alfredo_Mora Thank and great suggestion! The wind was gusty and I got more and less blurry results with the same settings. I just added a third image, which is a blend of two images of the same tree, same settings, but one with more wind than the other.
Patrick, great work on that third image!
Nice idea Patrick. Well executed. ND filters definitely have some interesting uses.
@Alfredo_Mora @Cameron_Wilcox Thanks guys! I’ve been fighting a cold the past few days, so slow to respond. Yes, ND filters have a lot of uses!
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