
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is a combination of two images taken a few minutes apart. One was of a cluster of barrel cactus. The other was of a rock with a lot of copper ore; such rocks tend to be blue.

Technical Details

Not applicable.

The rock adds some really interesting texture to the spines, Don. I like the arrangement of the cacti and the blue and gray textures turn it into something mysterious.

Superb abstract image Don! I could see this printed large in a hotel lobby. The colors just pop and the barrel cactus draws you in with the shapes. Excellent combination of two images.

Dennis, Alfredo, thanks. :slight_smile:

Beguiling image! I love it. As an experiment, I would consider toning down the saturation of the copper green/blue because I think it might make the two images more equally balanced (at least on my monitor). But it’s a minor point and I’m not sure that’s your vision, so take it or leave it. Super captivating anyhow. You are on a roll with these – almost every one of your images makes me stop for another look!

Cathy, thanks. I’m glad you like this one.

I had already tried reducing the saturation on the blues and cyans and I tried it again after reading your suggestion. To my eyes, it actually makes the two images more distinct rather than unifying them. I appreciate the suggestion.

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