The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
This was taken at sunrise. I was looking at the flower and noticed that the sun was lighting up a nearby barrel cactus that had red spines. I moved until I could use the out-of-focus red spines as a backdrop for the flower.
Specific Feedback
It’s bull’s-eye framing, which I usually avoid. Is that a problem here? Any other criticisms would be welcome.
Technical Details
ISO 320, 400mm, f/5.6, 1/400th sec.
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
I do love that reddish-orange backdrop, Don. I kind of wish the foreground petals could have been in focus, but you can’t always make that work. For what it’s worth, when I looked at this image, this is the composition I saw:
Wonderful!! I love the framing idea! And I love this kind of cactus flower. I love tight portraits but wonder if you have a little more room on all sides? Moving back a little and stopping down a bit would have given a bit more DOF for the near petals but might have massed up the composition of the BG cactus. This is a good subject for stacking, to get the entire flower in focus and still keeping a wide aperture for a soft BG.
This is a huge image, and took awhile to download. Better to use the max allowed of 2000 on the long side, and about 350-400kb. (see the guidelines )
Great catch of this pretty cactus flower. Without stacking, you did a nice job of getting most in focus. BG and comp are both good, and the delicate stamens beautiful. Lots of noise in the larger version, though
Dennis, Diane, thanks. I don’t think I’m as concerned with sharp focus throughout an image as most people are. That may be a shortcoming. I have others
Sorry to be late to the party here Don. The whites are wonderful, and the barrel in back you used to frame the blossom is really cool. I love seeing all of the details in the center of these cactus flowers.