Canadian Rockies

What technical feedback would you like if any? All welcome.

What artistic feedback would you like if any? All Welcome

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 5D, F/10, 1/800 sec., ISO 250

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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Taken several years ago while travelling through the Canadian Rockies near Banff.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
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Patricia, this is majestic look at the Canadian Rockies. I also like the unique blue patch of sky to go with the storm clouds and emerging peak. One nit, it looks as it there two little patches of snow on the main peak that are blown out on my screen, I would burn them down a touch.
Nice work!

I like the composition with the forest ‘moving’ into the frame, to that great mountainscape with low clouds in the back!
I also would try to recover some more details in the highlights , in the clouds too. There seem to be two spots in the blue of the sky (dust?) and a small artifact just above the brightest cloud in the middle of the image that I would clone out.

Beautiful view, Patricia. Your composition provides a great sense of depth and distance and it is quite a majestic scene. This one works well for me.

I like how the forest and foreground mountain frame the scene Patricia. Your image has a nice crisp look.

While there’s some nice dramatic light in the scene, I don’t find it convincing a landscape image. It really needs a good peak to peak standing out of those clouds. There’s some strange smudging around the right lower area which I’m wondering about.

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This is a wonderful view of a section of the Rockies, Patricia. I particularly like the way the ridgelines take my eye back to the main peak and the drama laden sky as those clouds really set the mood in this lovely scene for me. My only suggestions; very minor stuff; would be to clone out the dust spot in the clouds and to tone down the highlights in a couple patches of snow. Very nicely done.

Patricia, I like the composition here, the U-shape of the mountain slopes creates a dramatic effect. I think you achieved a nice balance between sky and clouds, creating foreground depth while emphasizing those great clouds. And with these clouds, this might make a nice B&W image as well. Agree with the others comments about toning down some of the brightest highlights. The smudging in the LRC mentioned by @Kah-Kit_Yoong might be from raindrops on your lens, with these weather conditions that may have been the case.


I too like the composition and the grand view. I especially think the drama in the clouds enshrouding the mountains is the main subject and I think you’ve framed it well.

I agree with most other points, especially the brightest patches of snow. I can’t really discern the smudging, but then again at these web sizes is often hard to judge those things.

While I like the comp as presented, I did download this and ended up cropping slightly (sorry, cropped in to your signature!) since the main story are the dramatic clouds over the mountains. I toned down the brightest whites using one of TK’s lights mask (LT4 I believe) and then masking that further to target just the brightest areas. also cloned out a few dust thingies.

Not too much different than your original, more just fine tuning I guess.

Those are some fantastic conditions you got Patricia! I like how the foreground mountains and the clouds in the back create a frame for the center peaks. That said I think the composition would have been stronger if more of the center peak was visible through the clouds, giving the image has more focus. But I concede that such a composition might not have been possible if the clouds did not comply on that day.