Chaffinch Kerfluffle

Project Images

Gallery Overview

Individual Images

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

Image 7

Project Description

I have never posted a “project” before on NPN and am not sure what it should be. But when I processed some of my many images of Chaffinches in Scotland, I realized they tell a good, and colorful, story of the kerfuffle that occurs when many birds compete for the same source of food.

Self Critique

I find these images truly enjoyable for the way they invoke so much interaction between these beautiful birds as they compete for food. The only way I think one can improve on such a scene is to just go back to this or a similar place and take, take and take more images hoping to capture more great interaction in these very fast moving, brief moments of bird encounters.

Creative Direction

I hope the collection gives the viewer the sense of tension and movement that I have tried to convey.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback would be very much appreciated. Thank you all in advance.

Intent of the project

Just for fun


It is fun. Birds squabble over the least things sometimes. The opening shot is so balanced and I love the different shapes the birds present. The third featuring feeding behavior is maybe my favorite. In keeping with the odd number theme, the fifth is really excellent, too. I love the weightless feeling it conveys.

One thing I would address is the varying color temperatures and white balances if you want a more cohesive presentation. Just for fun hits it perfectly!

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