A flock of about 30 Chipping Sparrows, split into 4 or 5 groups and went about their business working the flowering grasses at a local War Memorial Cemetery. Went to this location to try and see a different sparrow species ( the Clay-colored Sparrow). But I had never seen so many of Chippings sparrows in one area. There was enough maintenance activity and services to keep the birds moving to undisturbed patches. I sat on a bench and waited…after a while they tolerated my presence from about 20 yards. Had no luck with sighting the Clay-colored Sparrow but enjoyed shooting these little ones.
Specific Feedback Requested
Processing in Lr and noise reduction in Topaz Noise Reduction. I de-saturated the green and yellows in the grass in the first image as I thought they might be over powering the colors of the bird. The second one I left alone. What do you think, too much grass color? The flight shot was a surprise, I did not realize I caught the bird in the last of a 5 shot burst when it jumped. It might be on the edge of the f5.6 focal range and I had to add some canvas in Ps as it was just barely in frame. But I really liked getting a look at all the feather groups. Any comments and critique always welcome.
Technical Details
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Nikon D7100, Nikkor 200-500 mm lens at 500mm hand held, ISO 1600, f5.6 @ 1/8000.