Change of seasons

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This is kind of a different take on autumn foliage that works well for me. I like the juxtaposition of the fallen leaves on the ground with the leaves still on the trees. And by having the that diagonal slope in the foreground you really place a strong emphasis on the fallen leaves, much more so than just having a flat landscape with leaves. I also like how the diagonal leads your eye to the line of trees receding into the distance. My only suggested tweak would be to clone away the patches of white sky in the ULC, but that is a real nitpick.

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Gorgeous. I especially like the strong diagonals - hill, tree trunks then foliage/branches. It adds some drama to a restful view. This is my favorite time during fall - when there’s still some green present.

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This is a great autumn image, Ed and Kristen have explained why. I also see the slope leading you down to a pathway that leads you into the forest.

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