What gorgeous light! I love the gold-against-blue. The variation in color of the large tree is lovely and unusual and the gradient in the sky is so nice! For me, the trees are the story and I would consider cropping most of the FG. It does have some leading lines but just can’t add to the lovely trees. A less-desirable alternative could be a significantly darker gradient from the bottom. Lovely scene that definitely conveys C-O-L-D morning!
That “rule” can work in many cases but not all. One of my favorites is the rule of 7/16ths. (In other words, just a little off-center.) Balancing overall visual weight is another major consideration that will override the rule of thirds. Here there is just no visual weight in the bottom third, and so much cool stuff in the top 2/3.
Hi Elizabeth,
This image says cold to me with the cool blue tones in the sky and in the snow covered landscape. At the same time I find the scene inviting with the sunlight bathing the tops of the trees in it’s warm light. The grouping of three trees also works beautifully in this scene. Your rework; per @Diane_Miller; works perfectly for me as it does place more of an emphasis on the trees with that wonderful light. Nicely done!
I was going to make the same suggestion as Diane about cropping. Though I think too much was cropped from both below and above. It’s starting to look crowded.
I really like the idea you captured here. When the sun rakes the tops of trees and bushes is a very special time and you have captured these moments beautifully.