While on a photo trip to Oregon, I had this overlook on my list of photo ops. I did a scouting stop around noon and it was a nice view but nothing special, so I spent the afternoon shooting waterfalls. On the way back to Portland the sky started to look promising, so I just waited for the sun to set.
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Technical Details
Nikon D850 f/16, 1/6 sec, iso 100, 62 mm. Processed in LR and Ps
Thanks for letting me be the second set of eyes on this image!
The good ole Columbia River Gorge! One of the best views of the Gorge, which this image brings back memories of my first visit here. I was amazed by the scenery of this grand vista.
Richard, everything is flowing nicely here. Nice lead in lines that lead to that wonderful sky. Nice color separation with great tones. There is a couple minor tweaks I would consider with this image. The first thing I would address is the cyans in the shadows, particularly on the hills on the left. A quick fix for this is to open up a Hue/saturation adjustment layer in PS. Select cyan, then slide the saturation slider to the left and you will immediately see what I’m referring to. That cyan was also spilling into the shadows of the trees on the right and on the right hillside as well.
Next there are some areas I would do some minor cloning. There are a few trees in the FG right on the edge of the frame, that may take a little more work to clone, but might be worth it, as they don’t add much to the scene. I will highlight those areas in red on the image. Other than that, I don’t have much else to add! Nice one Richard!
Thank you, David for you insightful comments. It’s amazing how certain faults in a photo can escape the maker’s attention until they are pointed out. I easily see the cyans now but didn’t notice before! And the areas you circled in red merit better edge patrol on my part.