
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I’m usually not much of a morning person, but we’ve finally been getting some significant snowfall in my part of Montana, so I was motivated to get out early last weekend to do some exploring. These two Douglas-firs, encrusted in snow and catching the early morning sunlight, reminded me of something you might find in a candy shop or pastry shop.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback or suggestions welcome.

Technical Details

32 mm, 1/200 sec, f/8, ISO 200. I made some light adjustments in LR and also played around with some color adjustments more than I normally do. I desaturated the blue sky quite a bit and also tried to bring out some of the warmer hues where the light is hitting the snow. I also used a couple of masks to try to draw attention to the two main trees a bit more.

I snowshoed in and camped on St. Helens Thursday night last week, and I’m jealous of your lovely light. We had beautiful snow just dripping from the trees, but very flat lighting. I took a few images, but it was pretty uninspiring.

Your light has a lovely subtle warmth, and the processing looks fine too me. I do feel the image is a little strongly weighted on the left, and wish those trees were just a little farther in the image.

Hi @John_Williams - Thank you for your feedback and comments. Yes, I did get lucky with the light on this morning (and sorry to hear you didn’t have similar luck on your St. Helens trip). Now that you point it out, I agree that the trees are a little too close to the left edge of the frame. I do have some room to play with on that side, so I’ll experiment with some different crops. I had initially cropped it the way I did because this spot is not very far from a highway and there was a snow fence visible in the background on the left side, but looking at it now the image feels a bit cramped to me. The snow fence is so far away that it’s barely noticeable and I don’t think it would detract from anything if it were included in the image.

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