
The Alberta Badlands is a striking environment.
My first visit to this canyon was awe inspiring. I did not envision a place like this in Alberta.
It was an overcast day with lots of forest fire smoke.
I could not help but notice this little plant coming through the crack.

What captured my attention was the orange lines, the yellow flower and the little plant that just sprung through. It was a bit windy, hence some movement in the flower.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback is welcome.
I tried to play on color separation here. I added blue to the ground (much bluer than how it was)

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No


I like this intimate scene. The criss crossing of the orange lines and the wavy crack in the ground provide some nice dynamism. I think your color separation work also helps makes this image. Just curious–any idea what caused the orange lines?

Thanks for the feedback @DeanRoyer
I have no idea what those orange lines are.

Such a simple scene but so well composed! It’s so easy to overlook things like this – I’m glad you captured it!

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I like this one a lot and just for fun played with toning down the yellow stripes. They don’t really bother me, but if I was a painter I might have left them out since I think they compete with the flower too much. It was fun to try anyway.

Whoops, missed some at the bottom, but you get the idea. Sweet little scene.

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This is a great intimate Aref, the splashes of color against the dull grey of the badlands is very striking. I think the composition works well,. I like how the diagonal cracks are going in the opposite direction of the orange lines, and how they crisscross.

My only suggestion would be to try to add a bit more clarity or texture to the grey soil, to bring out some more of the cracks. I think you could add a little texture there without it distracting from the flowers.


Thanks @Diane_Miller, @Ed_McGuirk and @Kris_Smith for the feedback.
@Kris_Smith i see your point, i think it works still well with out the orange lines but i like it more with the dynamism added by the orange lines.

@Ed_McGuirk i agree, i have done a bit if that perhaps i need more will give that a try.

This is a really nice and intimate shot, Aref! I love the color contrasts and the textures. I think the orange stripes add intrigue to the scene plus balance the composition so I definitely wouldn’t try to eliminate them. Good eye to see the opportunity and a great job of capturing the micro scene!


Thanks for your feedback @Gary_Minish
I have to say thanks to this community and @Matt_Payne’s podcast that has swayed me to consider all sorts of scenes and details in the landscape besides the obvious beautiful bug vista

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Great looking image Aref. I don’t think I’d do much more than what @Ed_McGuirk suggested. =)

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I like how the crack serves as a leading line to the bright flowers. I think this is a very good image.

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