Cradle mountain

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f11 - ISO100 - 13s - 16mm
Post processing : Lightroom

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Jean-Claude, this location was made for using a panoramic aspect ratio. I love how you arranged the mountains and trees here, it is very nicely balanced horizontally. This becomes a matter of subjective personal taste, but I think devoting this much space to the foreground water doesn’t work as well as a mirror image 50/50 waterline might. The rock in the lower right corner is so bright that it keeps pulling my eye away from the wonderful light on the mountains and shore, so I would suggest a crop just above that rock, which gets you close to a 50/50 waterline. I also think reducing the saturation of the cyan/blue in the water would help, a more subdued blue saturation would make the warm highlights more prominent.

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Beautiful “reflections-scape.” I really like the lower angled point of view (at least it appears that way,) and also the framing on the sides, creating an inviting opening in the reflection and scene.

I can see Ed’s observation of a crop, but I think this works beautifully as presented. The only suggestion would be to adjust the blue/cyan in the water as suggested - just a bit. Not a big deal, but I would also adjust the blues in the mountian shadows of the bg peaks. Lastly, there’s an intruding branch on the left edge you might clone out.

Well seen and photographed.


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Thank you guys (Lon & Ed) for your advice and comments, I really appreciate :slight_smile:

Brings back a few memories, Cradle Mountain from Lake Lilla. You got some pristine conditions here with the nice reflection in that tannin water. There are some blues and magentas in this which look a little off to me for how high the sun is in the sky. Did you use an ND filter which imparted the colour cast?

A beautiful image - captures the serenity of the scene perfectly. Maybe just bring up the outer groups of trees a shade to get a little detail there, but otherwise this looks great.