This a favorite sequence taken at Robe Lake, Valdez, Alaska in the Spring while most of the lake was still frozen. The trumpeter swans that nest in Valdez all showed up at the lake because their various little nesting ponds were still frozen over. In many cases the 1 year old cygnets from last year followed their parents back to Valdez. This particular cygnet was extremely aggressive and was regularly attacking some of the adult swans! I caught a full sequence of this particularly vicious attack (46 frames) of which I picked out 12 that showed the action best. I narrowed the sequence down to 10 to fit the challenge requirements.
I like the reactions of the onlooking swans starting at frame #6!
Wonderful sequence!! They look like they could do some damage and the reactions from the others is great!
You have to wonder what advantage there is to this kind of aggressive behavior in comparison to the energy it requires. I’ve seen a Mute Swan attack another one in a similar fashion, with a photography friend almost in the path.
Gary, the sequence is terrific. The action is well isolated in the first few shots and then the reactions of the others starting with #5 is amazing. It sure looks like they’re giving one or both of the two “what for”.
Fantastic sequence of this captivating event, Gary. I have to say that frames two and five are my favorites as timing is perfect and in #5 the reactions of those two swans on the right is priceless.