Daybreak at Cedar Falls

Captured this back in April during a trip to northern Arkansas. With the edit I tried to convey the break of the morning sunlight streaming in from the top of the falls while keeping the shadowed areas cooler. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to get the colors to a point I’m happy with.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Mainly looking for feedback on how the color tones look in this edit. Looking at it here I think I may have over-brightened the sunlight in the gap at the top of the falls. What do you all think?

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Nothing of note… I used a Lee ND filter and have had to battle the blue cast from that a bit.

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I like it, I think the colors and tones you have work really well. My only small nit would be to lighten the highlights and darken the shadows on the left side rocks. It looks like you have a light ray shining on some of them that could be brought out a bit more or it may just be the different color on the rocks.

The brightness on the sunlight gap doesn’t bother me since its a small window and you warmed it up nicely so it gives a sun ray type of glow.

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I really love how the sunlight shoots through that gap and illuminates the whole place. It’s a very uplifting image in that sense. Of all the parts to this image I like luminosity of the rocks on the left the most. But main critique of this image is all that darkness on the bottom that takes a substantial part of the image. If you crop off a significant portion of it the image improves in my opinion.

@David_Nilsen and @Igor_Doncov thanks for the input. I find it interesting that you both keyed in on the rocks on the left… those were almost an afterthought as I worked the image. The light there is reflected light I believe from the cliff walls on the right; I may play around to see if I can get a little more contrast there but I don’t want to ruin the subtlety of that light, either.

Igor, I debated on the bottom crop. I want to keep the 2x3 ratio but don’t want to lose too much of either the left or right side of the frame. I also kind of like the juxtaposition of the darker foreground with the light breaking over the cliff up above… decisions, decisions!