Any comments or suggestions appreciated, especially concerning the crop, saturation level, contrast, and sharpening.
Canon 5d IV, EF 100-400 II f 4.5-5.6, 175 mm, 0.3 sec, f/16. ISO 100. shot at 8:07
Any comments or suggestions appreciated, especially concerning the crop, saturation level, contrast, and sharpening.
Canon 5d IV, EF 100-400 II f 4.5-5.6, 175 mm, 0.3 sec, f/16. ISO 100. shot at 8:07
I very much like the simplicity of the image with three layers of colours. The slight anti diagonal creates a dynamic impression. Nice combination of colours. I do not know how this looks in reality, but saturation could be a little less for me. No comments from me on sharpening and contrast. I wish there was a bit more at the bottom: where do the little valleys go? The layers start to mix somewhat in the urc, but I would not suggest to crop from the right because of the yellow ridge at the bottom. You could try to darken the bright yellow patches on the left a bit. But again, I like the image, a well composed intimate landscape with great lines. And well balanced proportions of areas.
A beautiful colorpalette and lots of interesting things to look at here!
The saturation does not look overdone to me, not having been here myself either. This must have been a difficult one to crop because there are so many little details and lines. As presented I would prefer to not include the lowest brownish little hill at the bottom right half.
Sharpening looks good to me.
The contrasts are more difficult. It seems you had very non-directional light and there are no real shadows, giving little contrast. Simply increasing it in post, without boosting saturation further, will not help I think. I can imagine that some soft light from the side in the field will transform the scene completely.
I think the composition works well, and I don’t see any obvious crops that would add value. I like the striations in the top third of the image, they are particularly interesting. I do like how the red layer creates a transition zone between the two yellow layers that have more texture.
I don’t think the colors are over-saturated, but for my personal taste the image feels slightly too warm. But not having seen these formations, I may be going out on a limb in saying that.
Tony, the color palette is very nice, and I think the crop works well. To my eye, the yellow looks just a bit too saturated, and I could see a little bit of darkening of the dark values to increase the contrast just a little.
That’s a dramatic mix of elements Tony, and I too have nothing to add to the crop. I think the contrast works well. I would vote for a touch less saturation in the yellows, and softening just a bit in the larger size (smaller size looks great).