
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


As the large Indian Rhubarb leaves start to decay, they take on even more character than when in their prime. Combining a picture of them with an image of peeling paint from the bridge over the creek where I found the leaves really gave a feeling of decay.

Specific Feedback

What about the color and luminosity across the frame? It feels like it should be more consistent across the frame, but I’d like to hear comments either way.

Technical Details

Two iPhone 15 images combined in PS. Not sure of the blend mode or edits, as I can’t find the PS file at the moment.

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Bonnie, I like the detail very much and the combination of images works very well. Overall it’s interesting and appealing. I think you’re right, though, about making the tones more consistent. I also think the uppermost leaf tends to dominate the image. You might consider something along these lines. (Or not.)

Bonnie, finding a photographic use for peeling paint is very creative! I think it works very well here. The sense of decay is strong. I don’t think I would have recognized the peeling paint if you hadn’t of mentioned it. I like the changes in luminosity and especially color across the frame. I think they add interest and help keep the eyes moving. I could see some burning-in of the brightest bits in the upper left.

Creative indeed, Bonnie! I do love how the textures and colors blend so well together. I can see how using some burning-in to help soften the upper corner would help, as @Mark_Seaver suggested, if you chose to do so. Love to see a repost.

Wow! I can’t tell whether the peeling paint has leaf shapes or whether the leaves have peeling paint shapes! The blend is exquisite – both in concept and in execution!! The brighter UP doesn’t bother me – it provides an anchor and the shapes sort of radiate down from it. (But then I had a decent wine with dinner so maybe I’m more happy than discriminating.)

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This is so interesting Bonnie. It is amazing how well the decaying leaf blends in with the peeling paint. Great to even think about blending these, and nice job with the blend.