The sun behind the hills of the Sonora Desert outside Sedona Arizona.
Image take to show the different colours of the sunset
Processed in Lightroom to increase contrast and bring our shadow detail in the forground
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Dave, this is a nice twilight view with some fine colors in the lower half of the sky. In looking at the land, the hints of trees are good, but they’re blotchy, which means you lightened the dark tones beyond the dynamic range of where your sensor works well. I see that you’ve posted several images to a variety of older Weekly Challenges at the same time. The NPN posting guidelines ask that you only post one image to a particular gallery in 24 hours. The Weekly Challenge gallery has a new topic each week, (midnight Sunday to midnight the next Saturday) with this week’s topic being twilight.
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Hey Dave, I like the potential of the shot. Crop down for less empty sky and lighten the shadows (or black depending on your processing program). This will give some detail in the area of the shrubs. Maybe crop up to show less black area and give it a good pano feel. Merely my humble suggestions.
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