Designer Colours

Another closeup view of male Wood Duck.

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iso 720, 500 mm, f8, 1250th, 25% full frame, handheld, very bright sun, D850, ACR, Topaz Adjust, TK sharpening at 1%

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Very good, David. You managed to catch every bit of it with iridescence showing. Perfect exposure.

really nice image, especially the iridescence.
The nictitating membrane is a little distracting, though.

The reds and greens really pop here, David. Outstanding details and a fine catch of the iridescence. The drop on it’s beak is a fine extra. Makes you wonder if Woodies have read about color theory. :wink:

David, needless to say this guy probably has almost every one of the complimentary colors going for him…:clown_face:

Excellent WC choice here…:+1:

All kinds of complimentary colors here. Nice presentation. The waterdrop is a added bonus.:vulcan_salute: