Dipper Dive

This was a fun shoot, even if the subject was small and we were a bit far…

I enjoy watching American Dippers. They’re a common sight along some of Yellowstone’s waterways (especially in winter, when this was taken), but I often have a hard time getting a good or interesting angle since I’m so often restricted by river access. I had never photographed one from above, so I was glad to have this unique opportunity.

This individual was quite active on a thawed stretch of the Yellowstone River directly under a bridge. There was little contrast between the brown/gray bird and the dark water, but a little bit of splash helped highlight it in this case, while showing off the excellent diving skills that are so important in its life (Dippers dive underwater, often in fast-flowing rapids, to feed on aquatic insects). It’s the next best thing to photographing one underwater, I think… and slightly more comfortable for me.

Canon R5
Canon 100-500mm
ISO 1600



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An interesting image, Max. While not a great attention grabber, this would be an excellent image to keep in the files for a story on these very interesting birds.

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Wow, I had no idea what this was when looking at the thumbnail. So I opened it up and zoomed in. It’s actually a great abstract image and a neat behavioral shot with a very unique view. Looks like a drone shot if you hadn’t said you were on a bridge.

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Super job on catching this at the moment. A wonderful display of behavior.

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Hi Max,

There’s a few spots along the Yellowstone River where you can get some lateral views od dippers. I have a few shots of them diving in for a stonefly. Not a powerful image, but the capture of the behavior and storyline make for a unique and interesting presentation. Well done…Jim

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