This image was captured a few weeks ago on our last trip to WV and was taken the day before my last post of Muddy Elakala Falls. I set the tripod down low to emphasize the small cascade and give it equal billing with the beautiful Douglas Falls. Mike and I had tried to time our trip with a rain event, but the forecast was off a little and didn’t come until later so all off the rocks were not wet. All in all I am pleased with how this came out.
As always I appreciate those folks taking a moment to leave a thought.
Specific Feedback Requested
All C&C welcome.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Nikon D800, Nikon 17-35 @ 20mm, f 18 @ 1/4 sec, ISO 800, CPL, MLU, cable release & tripod.
Ed,I like the way the water is coming tru these big rocks. A nice and to me well composed image, in which the water is really falling (moving) in my experience . In the middle is that a crossing fall ?
Ed, this feels like an intimate waterfall until I opened up the larger image. Wow, the depth of field you got here is fantastic. I might suggest cloning out the dust or oil spot on the lower fall in the left area. But other than that, I can’t think of anything to change. Just open the larger image, sit back and enjoy.
Beautiful picture. I don’t see anything (viewing on phone only) technically disturbing. That said, I am not big fan of the cotton candy look for flowing water. I prefer water to look like water. IMO I feel this image would be a lot better at faster shutter speed. For example, the pool of water between the 2 falls makes the 2 falls look unreal.
This is a really fine look at this set of cascades. Very well composed and processing looks really good. I agree with David about cloning the dust spot and maybe the pine needle (?) clinging the big right rock kind of near the stream.
Cool falls, but I found this one disconcerting and now can’t unsee my initial impression. I had to get this to the largest size to understand the middle bit is water. I thought it was some kind of digital glitch, then it was a tree trunk, then a rock slab. Finally saw what it is and I can’t resolve the image into anything that isn’t jarring. I think it’s the issue of 3D not translating into 2D. Or maybe it’s just my brain. The scene feels too divided to my eye. It’s such a close crop that, for me at least, the split just doesn’t work.
I’d love to see other views you might have, though because in terms of place and processing, this looks like a great location.
Ed, it’s not often that waterfall portraits can communicate a good sense of depth, but this one does, in part because of how you composed the framing rocks. And speaking of those rocks, their red colors must be gorgeous to see in real life. I do like your warm processing of the rocks and vegetation, but I might cool the water slightly for a more neutral white (but not a cool white).
But that is a nitpick, this image works for me due to the composition and the warm colors (except in the water )
Great shot, Ed. I love the composition and the SS. the wet rocks really make the color pop. It’s amazing how it changes the color completely. I’ve seen photos from here with no wet rocks and it makes for a dull image. My only nit is the mentioned dust spot.
Many thanks to @Ben_van_der_Sande , @David_Bostock , @GEGJr , @Harley_Goldman , @Kris_Smith , @Ed_McGuirk and @Michael_Lowe for taking a moment to leave a thought as it is always appreciated. Here is a repost with your suggestions of the dust spot and pine needle removed and a little yellow removed from the water. @Kris_Smith : I am not sure exactly what you mean, but I have another image where the camera is not as low so hopefully that one will work a little better for you and you won’t feel the disconnect. @Ed_McGuirk: The rocks picked up the unique coloring from acid runoff from a now defunct mining operation along the Blackwater River.
Wow! Really beautiful image, Ed. I love the pool of water in the center and the movement of it all. The brown rocks really add to the beauty. Lovely composition!