Eared Grebe with fish

Taken towards the end of the day when the light was still a little harsh but areas of shade darkened part of the image.

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Technical Details

ISO 500, 400+ 2X, F5 .6, 1200th, A7r4

1 Like

Great catch, David. It feels like you were almost at eye level with the Grebe. I also like the low angled light. Well done.

Beautiful light on this one, David. Excellent focus and processing. A fine image.

I like the pose, overall composition, and the light on the grebe. Nice low angle and interesting color of the water.

Hi David
The head turn and eye contact really give the photograph pop. Nicely shot.

There is a lot to like about this image regardless of the somewhat harsh lighting you had for this shot. I really like the color of the water, the radiating ring spreading away from the grebe, the head turn showing off those wonderful grebe eyes and of course the fish in the beak. I also like the intense look it has as if it’s looking for it’s partner to feed the fish to or maybe a chick. Nice one.