Hard of Earing

Eared Grebe with snack

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Pertinent technical details or techniques: iso 500, 400 plus 2X extender, f5.6, 2500th, handheld, A7R4,10% full frame

(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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Very nice “pose” and the snack looks delicious! Eyeballing a “horizon” line through the ripple, it looks like a slight CCW rotation would be in order.

Hi David, Love the orangish-red eye and it’s always great to catch feeding behavior with prey. I like the composition with full reflection. Well done.

Nice angle for the shot and good lighting. Amazing at 10% of full frame. I am sure the Grebe is happy.

Really nice pose from the grebe, David, and the prey is a great addition. The water looks great. Interesting that Diane suggest a slight CCW rotation. When I look at it, I think slightly CW, but water is so difficult that way.