Eastern Rainbow Turtles

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I had late afternoon cross lighting and noticed a nice composition although when I took this picture, I did not notice the baby turtle, a nice surprise when reviewing the files.

Specific Feedback

It was late afternoon, but still bright. My camera was set to -1EV to compensate but as you can see I’ve lost some detail due to the highlight on the dominant turtle’s shell and also the exposure on the baby turtle also is a little hot. I’m also not sure I’ve managed the color of the log which is part bright highlight versus light shade.

Technical Details

Camera: Nikon Z9
Lens: Nikkor Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S
Teleconverter: Z2.0 TC
Focal Length: 560mm
Focal Length 35mm: 840mm
Exposure: 1/2000 sec at f/8
Exposure Bias: - 1EV
ISO: 2000

Cool catch to have the three together - and such differences in sizes and shell decoration, lol. I can see by the muddy midtones that you did indeed lower the highlights a ton. The only thing that helps me in this situation with shiny turtles is a polarizer. It doesn’t always work with the angle of the sun, but I find it helps. Barring that I will also use a brush and the dehaze slider on the worst offending areas. The wb also seems a bit warm to me and can be contributing to the muddy quality by running the colors together. I find a cooler white balance often gives me the best color separation and I usually tackle that early in the edit process. Sharpness looks great though - it’s so hard to get groups like this all in focus so bravo there. Flying feet on the green guy there. Love it when they do that.

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Thank you for the assessment. Agree a polarizer would be helpful here. My long lens is new and I haven’t decided whether to purchase a drop in polarizer filter for it, but I can see how it would have helped here. I think it’s a bit warm as well. Will take another pass at it. Thanks again. John

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Hi John, nice capture of the three of these guys. Love the algae on the backs of the two - even the little guy. The wee one adds a lot to the image IMO. Great to see the eyes of all the turtles here - very nice catch. Kris gives good advice above but I think this is a very intriguing image.

Thanks Allen. I appreciate your assessment. When I took the shot I didn’t notice the little guy. It was nice surprise and I agree it makes the photo. John