Escalante Zen

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I was impressed by the simplicity of what was at my feet. In the flat light, the actual capture was very 2 dimensional and monochromatic, so I tried to create a sense of depth with some luminosity and contrast work.

Specific Feedback

I have convinced myself that the rather bare upper left is a decent use of negative space, but not sure about that.

Technical Details

Handheld 1/2500 f/8

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Dick, this is a good looking collection of rocks (big and small). It’s easy to see why it caught you attention. I like the variety of colors in the small rocks along the bottom and the roughness of the surroundings. The area in the upper left certainly sets off the crack and it’s occupants. Not knowing what was outside the frame, I wonder how placing the crack more horizontally would have looked. When I look at the larger views, there’s a touch of softness in the larger rocks along the bottom of the frame, so I’m thinking that f/8 didn’t give you quite enough dof.

Thanks Mark. The image is a crop and rotation. Dof on edges motivated the crop. I will see if the remaining softness can be decreased. I tried a more horizontal rotation but it seemed more static than the ascending line.