Eye of the Whale

Baby Gray Whale.
San Ignacio lagoon, Baja

D800, 24-70mm @ 70mm, 1/1250, f7.1
Any Comments appreciated.

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I like this a lot, Dan. There’s an awful lot to look at in what seems to be a very simple composition. It might have worked even better with the eye a bit further right in the frame, but it would depend on what’s further to the left.

Very intriguing as posted, and I’ve spent more time looking at it than most images.

Very interesting close up with great details!
I like how you are able to capture the eye of whale on the edge of water line, I just wonder how much crop is this and how it would look id the complete water line touching whale’s face is included.

The fact that you got the eye showing really makes the image work. I would argue that the left half of this is far more interesting than the right, because the patterns in the skin left of the eye have such great variation and texture. So to sort of echo Dennis’s comment, I think cropping a third off the right side would improve it, not just for better eye placement, but to further emphasize those patterns on the left.


Dan: this is a very interesting view of the whales’ mouth line and eye. The mouth makes a good leading line which takes you to the eye. I think that a crop of the right side putting the eye less centered would be a good option. Well done. Richard

Fascinating. I’ll echo most of what others have said and go a bit further. I’d take out the triangle of water on the upper-right corner and really pull the viewer’s attention to the eye and curve of the mouth.