A vignette from one of Zion’s side canyons before the sun hits the canyon wall. During that time, the colors in the rocks are cooler and I think they give an entirely different feeling to the scenes from that area.
I am mostly attracted to the fountain-like structure of the branches that spring out from the rocks. I am not 100% sure about the triangular area in the LRC. Does that asymmetry create an imbalance in the image? As always, all other feedbacks are greatly appreciated.
The LLC is fine to me. Since the image is relatively dark and cool, there are two minor bright distractions that I would darken: the branch in the upper right, and the bright blue spot on the large rock at the bottom.
I really like this image. The yellow leaves work well with the rock and the lichens on the rocks are beautiful as they are. I don’t mind the ‘triangle’ on the bottom right because it’s an open triangle and doesn’t draw attention. Would it be better without that branch? I don’t think it would because you’d get a 50/50 comp. But that branch more towards the center would have been nice. I’m really looking forward to doing intimates at Zion this year. I guess it’s shoulder to shoulder though, like Yosemite.
The colors are gorgeous, and the “spray” of the tree branches with their cheery yellow leaves is wonderful. I do find the balance to be odd, because of the open space in the LRC quarter. I could see a 4:5 crop from the bottom, since you’re mostly trying to showcase the tree.
A nice intimate look at Utah fall color. I like the comp as is. I find the bottom area provides an inviting lead in to the upper area of the image. I might burn some of the brighter gray areas in the upper right quadrant, but no other suggestions.
This is a wonderful image of a small scene. Great that you saw it and brought it to us. This seems like a setting that @Bonnie_Lampley would spend a lot of time discovering a number of really small scenes.
You portrayed the fountain of branches and leaves just great. I very much enjoy the contrast of almost complementary yellow and mauve. I like that funky branch reaching to the right center.
The rocks at the lower part to me are a very strong part of the composition; maybe bouncing my eye too much between their strong triangles and the tree/fountain. In this post, I cropped just a little from the bottom, reducing the bottom triangle’s impact.
I am a big fan of yellow and blue, so I pushed those two colors a little.
With the flat light, you were able to capture a lot of detail. For me, the image seems to want a bit more illusion of depth, so I tried to do that by reducing exposure on the cliff. I burned left edges of rock slabs a bit.
This is quintessential Zionautumn Adhika. I like your processing of color, especially teh cooler tones in the rock slabs. And I love the look of the “fountain” it adds a lot of energy to the image.
I agree with @Bonnie_Lampley , I feel like the empty space in the LRC does make the balance feel a bit odd, and I like here suggestion to crop the bottom. And for me the slanted rock in the center (with the lichen) tilts on a diagonal down to the empty LRC, rather than bringing my eye up into the tree. Thats another reason i would prefer a crop.
Thanks all! Good to hear all these feedbacks. I have posted a rework in the original post above.
Good observations, Tony. I cannot unsee the bright blue lichens at the bottom. Addressed it in the rework…
Igor, one of the reasons that I hesitate with this image is because of the 50/50 comp vertically. In the original crop, the rock and the tree pretty much divide the frame 50/50 but I think the crop that Dick suggested above works really well to address it.
Thanks, Bonnie & Dick. I love that crop and I pretty much copied it in my rework.
Dick, me, too. I love that funky branch and I think it is the one part of the image that make it alive to me. I also think the foreground rock is important and would not lose any of it if I can afford it. As I mentioned to Igor, my only hesitation is because of the 50/50 comp but I think your crop addressed it.
Harley, I look at your suggestion and some other areas on the rock that Dick burned, I may have gone a little further than he has suggested but I hope it also helps address Ed’s concern about the slanted rock in the center.
Hi Adhika - this is a beautiful scene and I think you’ve done well to capture your vision. I was reflecting on the “fountain” like nature of the tree and then I read your comments!
From a personal perspective, I can see lifting shadows and decreasing texture/detail/clarity etc throughout the bottom section of rocks in order to decrease the luminance and detail contrast in that part of the frame. It would be my impression that may increase attention toward your primary subject, allowing the base rock garden to serve more as a supportive cast.