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I don’t see too many Purple Finches around these parts (lots of House Finches though) so this is a little special plus I love her paint job. D500, 1/1000th, f 8.0, 700mm, ISO 1000, gimbal head/tripod, cropped to 2479 x 1959, AI Clear
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Nice shot, Dave. I really like the pose and the newly minted spring plumage. I’m surprised after your use of AI Clear that there seems to be some residual noise in the background, particularly at only iso 1000.
Nice shot for sure, Dave. Love the perch, the pose and as you called it, the paint job. A beautiful subject, for sure. I too am surprised at the noise that is showing in the background after using AI Clear. I have really had success with that, and it gives a bit of sharping to the subject as well. It allows me to go much higher with my ISO these days than I used to. Still a nice shot.
Hi Dave
The finch and it’s perch are clean of noise, but the back-ground seems to a band-with problem. It just does not transition well from the green to white. As for the photograph, I like the head turn, eye contact and detail.
I never seen a purple finch either Dave, thanks for sharing him with us. I also like his pose and how the perch seems to echo the pattern on the bird. But, even tho’ the others have mentioned the background issues, I like how the softness it sets off the little fellow.
Good pose and detail and nice curve to the perch. Stands out well from a nice background, though I could see a round of noise reduction on the background.
Nicely done!
Would you consider cropping to put the subject a little more to the left ?