Flour Bombing - N14407

Another event from the 2022 Valdez May Day Fly-In. This is from the Flour Bombing event in which a pilot flies by a couple hundred feet over a target on the runway and either they or their passenger drops a flagged package of flour in an effort to hit the target. The closest to the bullseye wins the prize. I always try to catch shots with the flour bomb in the same frame as the plane. This is one of many that I got.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback is appreciated.

Technical Details

Sony a6500, SEL200600G @ 344 mm (516 mm w/crop factor), ISO-400, f/6.3, 1/4000, hand held.

Wow that’s pretty wild…you’d have to be a real precision pilot to win this. Some pretty great precision photography, too. The landmass backdrop works really well here and I’m glad they were doing this low enough to keep the sky out of it. The flour wouldn’t have showed up well at all and I suppose the pilots couldn’t see it if that was the case.

That’s pretty cool, Gary. The story is terrific too. I like the framing you have on this.

I’m not an aerial photographer (other than my drone), and I’ve only shot two air shows before. I remember someone saying that for jets you want a fast shutter speed, but for prop planes you should slow it down so the blades blur giving the impression of movement. Just wondering what have you read/heard on that?


Superb sharpness and tonal detail on the plane! Great timing on the drop, too. I’m wondering about subduing the snow more, though, maybe with more blur. The plane is so sharp a selection should be easy.

My husband’s brother has a 185 – very capable bush plane. You’re giving me the urge to dig into my airshow files – our local one has dwindled with Covid and financial complications, and hasn’t happened for the last 2 years. Don’t know if it will happen again. Would love to shoot it with the new mirrorless rig.