Foggy Cliffs

While I was in Acadia I was hoping for a bit of fog along the coast. I did get it once. While on my way to the coast I passed this large open meadow with these steep cliffs towering above them. The fog was finding its way up the sides of the cliff while staying out of the lower valley below. I quickly pulled off to the side to take this image.

Specific Feedback Requested

Color might be a bit blue/cyan, when I pushed it warmer things felt muddy and it seemed to match the mood and atmosphere of the moment. But I’m open to hearing if others have suggestions on how to handle it. Any and all other CC is welcome!

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No

I like the cooler tone here. I think it works quite well, David. Nice scene with great angled lines in the foreground and background.

@David_Bostock the lines are what I was trying to focus on. I’m glad that came across in the image. I could have pointed my camera at about 20 different spots and it probably would have come out pretty solid :rofl: . I think I can probably pull the blue/cyan back a little bit with just a saturation layer, it will keep the cool feel but maybe not be so strong.

Thanks for checking it out!

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Pretty solid indeed, but you chose this comp, and it’s a darn good one. The layers of cliffs and fog create a nice sense of depth, and the strong diagonal lines add a dynamic aspect to this image. The comp has a strong visual flow IMO.

My personal preference is for fog to be slightly cool, but with a bright luminosity for vitality. You have that here, I think the fog looks good. Beyond that, as you know, color is a very personal and subjective thing. I agree with you, I think pushing it warmer globally is not the route to go. Here are a couple color related tweaks to consider for local adjustment. The greens in the LLC might benefit from a slight hue shift to get some more green vs. yellow color separation, maybe combined with a slight warming of that LLC ridge to help nudge the color separation along. The bare rock cliff on the right feels slightly magenta to me for Acadia’s pink granite. Just on those rocks maybe try reducing magenta and adding some yellow or red. The greens in the top half of the image are in more shade, and in real life greens in shade are cooler greens, so I think those greens look realistic. But I am talking about some fairly subtle shifts here, nothing major.

Really nice work on this image Dave, well done.

Here is an update with the suggestions from Ed. I think the trees represent a subtle improvement, the rock cliff is much better in my opinion and had a significant color cast that needed addressed.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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