Forest Flow

Just looking for some general feedback. It’s a 5 image pano merged in LR and then warped slightly in PS due to a weird angle on the left tree. It seems a bit unbalanced but just wonder what others think.

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This is an awesome image. You’ve captured the spirit of the place perfectly. It’s dark yet enchanting. Love the glow of the tree on the left and the mysterious black holes of the trunk on the right. The top of the tree is a bit too close to the frame so I would fix that.

I know that the white cascade is the primary point of focus but somehow I think the image would be better off without it. I would taken a step to the right and have the trunk block it, thus removing it’s brightness and emphasizing the darkness.

This needs to be seen large to fully appreciate it.

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There is a lot I love about this image: the green and moss throughout on tree and rocks; the foreground tree and the mossy roots, the movement of water. All add to the beauty of this place. Could it be processed a bit brighter? For me its a bit too dark.

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David, I think you have rendered this beautifully. I can see the imbalance that you might be thinking about. In my experiment with your file, cropping out about 1/4 of the left-hand side to lose certainly helps (at least to my eyes) but I think it shifts the subject to the big trunk on the right… It’s quite up to the artist at this point.

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At first I was thinking this was a little dark - especially in the forest on the left. But then I think Igor’s right in calling this “enchanting.” It’s unbalanced - but in a positive way. I think the juxtaposition of the upfront tree set apart from the adjacent stream and forest. Then I notice the extended root reaching in to the stream - really connecting the two parts of the scene.

I think this is excellent as presented. Can’t think of much to suggest. I suppose you could burn down rock wall in the far back of the image above the stream. Making that little area a little darker would better match the darkness of the lower part of the scene. That might also help separate the big tree even more.



David - nicely done! To address your specific request - it took me some time to move around the image with so much visual interest. I usually just go straight to the image and form an overall impression then go back and see what feedback is being requested. Have to say that the tree on the left was not a distraction for me at all. I did note as others have that the shadows seemed a touch dark. Otherwise a very apealing forest image with gorgeous tonal qualities.

I see several opportunities in this image… Played with a much tighter crop that brings more focus to the falls and frames the composition using the left tree. I’d also clone out the distractions in the foreground that I highlighted.

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Thank you for the feedback. I will go back and clean up those areas you highlighted and perhaps try to brighten it up. Highly appreciate it!