Ghosts of autumn

Some late autumn colour - I like the contrast of the white leafless tress against the colours

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I like (no – love!) the whites against the colors too!! Lovely detail and range of colors. I prefer the first as my eye finds more interesting shapes and relationships to explore. Gorgeous light!!

A great image, Eduard. The bare/dead trees against the autumn colors m.akes up a wonderful scene. I like them both very much, the first one is maybe the most beautiful but the second tells the story with more impact. (In the first image in the LRC there is a white trunk on the ground that could be darkened.)

The first image for me. The second image has an awkward composition. I tried a vignetter on the first image and thought it looked good. You might want to try it.

Eduard, these are great late autumn images. I love your concept of using the autumn color as a background to accentuate the stark shapes of the bare white trees. And having the bare trees white instead of a dark color adds so much more the impact of the images.

I actually prefer the second image, primarily for it’s simplicity as compared to the first image. In the first image the white trees are more chaotic looking, and I prefer the directness of having one primary white tree in the second image. In the second image I also like having a subtle repetition of the primary tree by the shape of the second white tree along the right edge. Because this second tree is less distinct, I think it plays a nice supporting role. My only nitpick with the second image is that I wish there was slightly more breathing room at the bottom, since the base of the white tree feels a bit cramped by the bottom frame edge.

Both of these images are quite nice, but I like the first post a little better because of the complexities in the scene. The whites of the bare trees stand out beautifully against the backdrop of that colorful autumn foliage. I only have a couple of small suggestions. The first is to clone out the white section of a downed tree along the bottom along with cloning out the bit of sky in the URC. My second is a crop from the left that would balance out the white trunks in the frame. Just my personal prefernce of course. I hope you do not mind, but here is a repost with what I was thinking. This would make for a lovely print to hang on the wall.