Golden Eagle in snowfall

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


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Nikon D850, Nikon 180 - 400 mm @ 220 mm, f/4, 1/1250 s, ISO 1000

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Hi Lennart,

You did very well with this type of lighting–exposure and post processing are spot on. The important elements are nice and sharp. The claws and right wing tip are fairly close to the edge of the frame. If you have the space, add some room on the left and bottom which will help during picture framing. If not–don’t worry about it. The snow is fantastic and adds a lot to your image. Overall, i like this one–Well done…Jim

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Hi Lennart, a very dynamic image with all the snow and such a terrific flight pose from the eagle. Love the wing position, talons, and view of the eye. Agree with more space all around if you have it.
Well done.

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Excellent image, Lennart with perfect exposure and excellent detail in the eagle’s face where it’s needed. All that snow is just wonderful. My only nit is that I think a slightly looser composition would work a bit better-for my taste the eagle feels a bit crowded in the frame.

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Another stellar image. Agree with the others though that some more room around the bird would enhance the overall feel. That said, it’s great as presented ! Cheers, Hans

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Thank you Jim, Allen, Dennis and Hans for your nice comments. :smiley:

Thanks for raising the bar at NPN with your eagle images.

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