Green-winged Teal

I would like technical feedback. I am using a Nikon D500 with Nikon 70-300mm lens shot at 300mm, 1/1600, F5.6, ISO 2200 - shutter priority.

This Teal was mixed in with hundreds of Mallards on a partial frozen pond. He is much smaller than the mallards and was getting tossed around like a volley ball. He was much faster and could dodge there attacks. I was lucky when he walked closer to me to get away from them. This was a “lifer” for me and I just kept shooting without stopping to change my camera settings. What could I have done differently?

It was early morning. I was in a shadow area so I was surprised to see a bit of sunlight on his head.

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Beautiful detail in the teal here Norma. My initial reaction to the shot was it would be even better if it had been taken at a lower angle, closer to the level of the bird. It looks like your settings worked out pretty well for you. With it just walking you may have been able to go with a lower shutter speed and stopped down a bit - 1/800 F8 but it looks like the whole bird is quite sharp so it wasn’t necessary.

Nice detail and pose. Consider adding canvas on the left to give this little drake some room to move into. Ice is a wonderful reflective medium.