Gulf Fritillary Butterfly

Seen last Friday at the local botanic gardens.

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Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 7D2, 70-200 f2.8L IS II, 1.4x TC
ISO 400, f16, 1/320s, hand held

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The background and the diagonal green perch really make this pop off the screen. Great placement of those elements in the frame. The mid-tones seem a bit flat to me and could be helped possibly by raising the orange luminance value just a little. It might bring out more detail and subtlety in the butterfly’s wings, which are the stars here so maybe give it a go. A terrific portrait.

Allen, what is not to love here, with a beautiful butterfly, the excellent composition, making this a very nice image. To me, the color is fine, but it might be that the orange BF could be selectively brightened just a touch. I would be thrilled to call this mind as it is. Nice shot.

Allen, this is a good look at this butterfly. The saturation of the orange feels strong, so I looked it up (Cech and Tudor, Butterflies of the East Coast) and it looks accurate. It’s angled perch and the dark background lead the eyes to the BF and help it stand out in the frame.

Lovely!! I also have the feeling of it being just a bit heavy and wonder about just a tad more exposure overall, but certainly a fine catch.