Happy "Blue" Year

Hard to pick a favorite bird, but Bluebirds would be near the top of the list. First sighing of the year of a small flock that seems to inhabit an open area near my home.

Specific Feedback Requested: Any

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Canon R5; 100-500 at 500 mm; 1/1000 at f7.1, +2/3 EV; ISO 6400(female) and 4000(male)


These are both very great images, Allen. I think I like the first one just a little bit more, but both are equally awesome.

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Lovely images! Great soft backgrounds (and foreground) and details in the perches. The soft colours, pose, and detail in the top photo are compelling. It is hard when I see these photos together as I wish the bottom bird had the same sharpness as the top. I do like how the bottom bird has a green background framing it.

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Very nice, Allen. I tend to prefer second image because he’s not turned away quite as far and the branches have a shape that I find more interesting than the first.

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