Hueneme Sunset

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Evening walk on the beach. Two minutes after sundown. The skies were lit. Silhouettes of palms. It was a nice evening.

Specific Feedback

I cloned out a light post in the lower orange area. Hope its not too obvious.

Technical Details

Canon 7DMii, f8.3, 1/200 sec, 100-400/1.4 TC at 140 mm. Looking for owl’s next earlier. Topaz denoise and slight sharpen.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
1 Like

Very nice image. If it were mine, I’d see if it would maybe benefit by cropping a little meat off of the bottom Well done.

Thank you @Dave_Douglass, I appreciate your taking a look and your suggestion.