I Do Not Share

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

Shallow depth of field bothersome?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

The spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) is a highly successful animal, being the most common large carnivore in Africa. Its success is due in part to its adaptability and opportunism; it is primarily a hunter but may also scavenge, with the capacity to eat and digest skin, bone and other animal waste. The spotted hyena displays greater plasticity in its hunting and foraging behavior than other African carnivores; it hunts alone, in small parties of 2–5 individuals or in large groups.

Technical Details

Canon EOS 1N; Canon EF 70-200mm @ 120mm; Fujichrome Velvia 50; handheld

Specific Feedback

Whatever you wish.

This is a cool portrait of the spotted hyena Bob. Love the look he’s giving you here, and it surely seems to be “back off, this is mine and I don’t share.”

Thank you @Ed_Williams for your observations and comments. You are correct. The red furry mass to his lower left is an antelope carcass he was devouring. We followed this fellow following his downing of the antelope to this deep grass area where he dismantled it. My driver placed us directly in front of him and only about 10 feet away. Fortunately hyena are not prone to jumping into safari vehicles.

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