Icelandic Sky

Westfjords Sky, Iceland.

iso 200, 17-35 at 35 mm, f8, 2500th, handheld, D750, ACR 11, TK masks and sharpening action.

Beautiful and powerful sky. Did you make any images from the breakwater? I ask because the boat and dock are pulling my eye to them like a strong magnet. The breakwater leads me out to them and they kind of stop my progress.

Classic Westfjords - this looks a lot like Reykhólar (?) Nicely done!

Nice composition in the foreground and a very interesting sky, David. The clouds coming in from the near left really add some mood to the image.

The many layers of clouds and the touch of blue make a nicely dramatic sky, David. The clouds hugging the mountains is something that I see quite a bit of in Montana and always enjoy.