A wet and loose interpretation of parallel lines. The trick here is getting there in wet weather when there are no crowds.
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iso 100, 24-70 at 29 mm, f22, 1/4 second, handheld, Sony A1
A wet and loose interpretation of parallel lines. The trick here is getting there in wet weather when there are no crowds.
iso 100, 24-70 at 29 mm, f22, 1/4 second, handheld, Sony A1
Loose, sure, but parallel lines, true ones, in nature are hard to find. Iceland seems to be a land of waterfalls, but I can see why this one might be popular, especially if it’s easy to get to. I think your timing was good. Were you actually in the river? If so it worked great. The shutter speed conveys the power of the water well and the rocks frame it perfectly, not that you could change that! Looks like a productive trip to Iceland.