In viewing (at least in the Landscape category) these two, it seems there is little overlap. There’s a lot of really good stuff posted in Image Critique, that the final versions of would make nice additions to Image Showcase. Why don’t more members post their best stuff in Showcase, especially after improvements in Critique? Is there a rule I’m missing (@David_Kingham)?
No rules I am aware of. I believe that was one of the original intents for showcase. But for my own work, I don’t really see the point of posting an image twice. I find the value of NPN in getting the critiques, suggestions and general input rather than trying to showcase my work. But that is just me, others may find the showcase category quite useful.
Hey John, I see them serving different purposes. My original idea was what you proposed, that you would put the images in critique and then post the final result into showcase. But I have found there is little interest in that, there are groups of people who only post in critiques because they like the critiques, or another group that only posts in showcase because they do not want their images critiqued and just want to share. The folks that post in the critique section feel they have already shared their image with the community, so why share it again, which I completely understand and support. With the new layout I wouldn’t want to see the same image posted twice, it just makes it confusing.
Thanks @Harley_Goldman and @David_Kingham!
Yes, the showcase is predictably bare. Although there are some fine images posted there periodically (particularly by a gentleman from Italy) so it can’t be overlooked. I suppose you could have a button added to critiques that tells the software to copy image to showcase but that seems cumbersome.
Interesting thoughts Igor. I think it would be fun to have the ability to designate a final version that could be toggled between. (@David_Kingham that would be an interesting thing for non-members to see without seeing the thread that got it there.)