Like @Diane_Miller, I’m late to the party and am trying to get caught up with limited time but I just wanted to chime in on this wonderful image. I love @Ola_Jovall idea of an ICM, and backlit. Both excellent ideas. I could also see a tight composition of just the leaves on the ground. Yep, the colors have really been pushed hard in this one but I think it all works well. The main attraction and the immediate attention grabber is the vertical light shaft and the strong magenta/reds. Terrific image and location.
This is lovely, Pamela. The uniformity is simultaneously unnatural and aesthetically pleasing. I mean that in a good way, in case “unnatural” didn’t sound positive. It’s the linear quality that is generally not nature’s way, but here, it just beckons and captivates. The color is spectacular. I can imagine visiting this place in fall, summer, and spring. Those trees would look great in lime green!
I like the off-center composition, but if I were to suggest any minor improvements, it might be to consider cloning some of the sky on the left edge (basically, fill in the bright sky with leaves) if that is the kind of thing you are open to doing.
Nice work,
Beautiful image! I love the comp and color! The detail and sharpness is good too. My only comment, and it’s personal taste, is the off-center comp. Although I use this technique often, for me, in this image my eyes keep going from center to left, then back again. Just a personal preference. Nice work!
Thanks @Marylynne_Diggs and @scott_fenton for your recent comments. Much appreciated!