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What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any
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I got this gal hoping across a yellow field under yellow orange mid afternoon smoky cloud cover from all of the CA wildfires. I liked how the warm tone showed. D500, Nikon 1.4 TC, hand held, 1/2000th, f 8.0, 700mm, ISO 900, AI Clear, cropped to 4118 x 3153
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Dave, you’ve captured it nicely against a clean, complementary background. The angle is a bit different (slightly from behind), but works fairly well since we still have a good view of the face. My favorite part is seeing the detail on the back of those massive ears.
I don’t mind the choice to leave the subject in the top part of the frame, but I am wondering if you had any more canvas left to include in front of it (to the left).
Wonderful action well captured. A bit unconventional with the animal running away from you, but completely natural, and the ears do make it! The frozen action makes that complaint a small matter, for me. The BG is so nice and the colors perfect. The smoky skies, sad as they are, have provided some wonderful light.
I like your image. Our area (eastern WA), used to have tons of black tailed jack buns, but, as people built more etc, they declined. But, they are just starting to make a comeback! So, I’ve been out there trying to get photos. I can appreciate this photo as I usually get their back sides as they are running away from me! I have gotten a few shots, where he or she has sat still, but mostly, back sides. Their ears are amazing. Well done!