Juniper At Dragon Point - Black Canyon of the Gunnison, CO


A little tardy here, but wanted to welcome you to the Landscape Critique Gallery and say kudos for an excellent first post.

Lost of good suggestions, comments and thank you for taking the time to consider the suggestions.

I think this is excellent as posted. My two tweaks would be the blue of the darker areas of the clouds and the large area of gravel that most have commented on. I think you did a decent clone job in your repost (although I think the colors and processing is better in your original overall.)

I think you can mitigate that sandy area in a number of ways, including the cloning you did. Originally, the issue is just a matter of real estate, I think. The area takes up as much as the main part of the tree and so thatā€™s why I think itā€™s raised the comments. Just not sure what the best approach is.

One thing is certain. That is one beautiful tree; so graceful, elegant. I think simply adjust the dark blues in the clouds and just burning down the gravel a bit will help. For sure, you have a terrific image to start with!


Lon - Thanks very much for the kind words and smart suggestions. I plan to apply all the great suggestions everyone was kind enough to take the time to offer, and apply them to the image - when I get some time - hopefully sooner than later. :grin: