King Of The Hill

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


A singular Barrel Cactus mounted on a hillside with iron ore or volcanic rock surrounding the entire area.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Mamiya RB67 ProSD - Mamiya “C” 50mm lens - Singh Ray 2 stop soft ND - Velvia 50

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Paul, the single cacti stands out very well here. The mix of warm tones in the land and cool blue/white of the sky and clouds makes a great view. Definitely a “puts me right there” view.

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Paul, I really like the lone barrel cactus here. Great colors, great sky, and a very familiar rocky slope.

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Late to comment here, but I really like the dichotomy here - it’s so open and clear in terms of the environment, where it is and what it is, but also there’s the implication of hidden worlds and pockets of activity we can’t see. The sky knocks me out. There’s something so uplifting about a blue sky.

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Hi Kris, thank you for your review and kind comment on this scene. As life can be a bit telepathic if you will, I just returned from this site. To answer as to where this is located it is in Joshua Tree NP. Although I’m in the park almost every week I usually only hit this exact location once a year. Today was a revisit knowing the annual bloom is about to start. As my brother and I were in a reconnaissance mode only today the plan is to return next week as the bloom has actually started.

Again, thank you as always, Kris.