Hi Guy,
This is a wonderful woodland scene with some beautiful subdued light coming through the canopy. I like the fallen diagonal of the fallen tree as it adds some visual tension with the vertical lines of the rest of the woodland. I also like the way the image transitions from lighter tones on the left to darker ones on the right side. Very nicely done!
Guy, I agree completely with Ed. The bright midground/background makes for a nicely deep scene and that angled trunk adds a fine touch of visual contrast.
What @Ed_Lowe and @Mark_Seaver said!! Gorgeous arrangement of tones and shapes! I think the bit of light on the right is an important part of the image, balancing the brighter light left of center and letting the darker trees on the right stand out. Lots to explore here ā I love it!!
I love the one fallen over tree as it adds a really nice contrasting diagonal line to an image that is full of mostly vertical lines. It adds a nice visual contrast and interest to the pattern.