Lone Tree in the Foot Hills

I went hiking a week ago in a part of the foot hills that I always wanted to explore and found a tree that looked very interesting. I took many shots of it at different times of the day and different angles. Here are two of my favorite, one was taken mid day and one closer to golden hour. I was pretty happy with them but always like to get a critique her as I know I always miss something.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Post production

Any pertinent technical details:

5d Mark III 16-35 F4 L @ 16mm
Both were exposure blends to avoid blowing out the sky while keeping the foreground details.
Golden hour: sky 1/320 FG 1/50 F16 ISO 320
Mid Day: sky 1/200 FG 1/500 F16 ISO 400

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

David, both are very nice IMO. The timing between the two gives a very different look and feeling. So, it would be personal preference for one to decide on which they might prefer. In this case and in most I lean toward warmer images, so the first is my preferred selection of the two…:sunglasses:

I definitely prefer the second image. I like the foreground shadow lines, the brilliant greens and the more radiating clouds in the second and I also prefer the comp with the tree further right. Did you do any without the sunburst? I am quite enjoying the second one.

Both are lovely. Gnarly old oaks in the California foothills are always so full of character.

The golden-hour light is more appealing light-wise, but the second one is better compositionally, to me. The composition in the first is off balance - there’s too much space on the right. A 4x5 ratio might work better. The balance on the second is perfect. And those clouds leading our eye into the tree are great.

Wonderful light control David. Your developing is super clean and balanced. I love the play of low angle light and shadow on the ground. Your colors are really pure. The compositions are good, but perhaps not as creative as they could be with the tree placed in the center and the horizon at the 50/50 point. Actually, I take that back on the second one. The lines of the clouds and the shadows of the tree all lead into the tree in the center which gives it a very dynamic feel that I love. Well done!

Thanks for the comments everyone. I personally liked the second one better, I just felt the composition worked with the streaking clouds and shadow of the tree drawing you into the image.

@Harley_Goldman I took a lot of shots trying to get the sunstar and I am sure I have a few without one I’ll have to check how they came out.

@Bonnie_Lampley I agree the first one could use a crop, I was trying to avoid cropping on the right side as I really like the dappled light on the hillside. I will mess around with it and see if I can balance it a bit better.

@Sean_Bagshaw Thanks so much for the comment Sean. Hearing that my processing is looking clean and balanced means a lot to me coming from you as I just started using the TK actions panel and your tutorials. I’ve been slowly getting a better handle on integrating them into my processing.

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I think both are excellent! And they certainly make me want to get out in to my local hills (which this image looks just like my turf - at least the California coastal hills!)

My preference is the second one; for two reasons. The zoom effect of the clouds and the much better shadows on the ground. I do like the warmth of the first and also agree with other comments about the slightly unbalanced comp.

Only small nit/suggestion is that I think the greens in both are wee bit saturated. Not too much, but thought I would mention.


Both look fine. I sort of like the slight off-centeredness of the second image better. But I also prefer the more yellowish grass in the first image.