Lower Lynn Camp Falls

This is a popular waterfall in the Smokey Mountains. I am not sure why it has this name as there is nowhere to camp and I’ve never met a Lynn there. It will give you pain in the lower back to climb down to.

This was taken early morning on Memorial day.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback on composition, lighting, or editing is appreciated.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Fuji X-T4 with 10-24mm lens


Oh so beautiful. I really have to get to the Smokies one day.

Overall I found this to be too cool (blue water) and a little too contrasty so I reworked it in Camera Raw and also cropped to a 16:9. I hope you don’t mind. Lots of local adjustment brush work, too.

Just a start, but the image is really strong and could be explored further.

Beautiful Image Grant. I like the way the water is flowing to the lower left.

An interesting study in light and shadow. I like the way the light is hitting on the boulders and the greenery in the background. The sharp turn of the river makes for a dynamic composition. I agree with @Kris_Smith that the image could benefit from some subtle warming.

The area that could also be improved is the white water in the falls and the center of the image. It feels a bit bright, and the exposure is long enough that it has lost too much detail and texture for my preference. When shooting moving water images like this, I sometimes bracket exposures for water flow. In this case the landscape and rocks look fine, but the water has too long a shutter speed. I would have taken a second exposure with a faster shutter speed to maintain more texture in the water, and then blended that water into this base exposure using PS masks.