Lunch is Served!

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Jenny has a handful of delectable morsels for this tufted titmouse. They were flying towards her hand mostly parallel to the plane of my lens so I focused on her hand and waited for the birds to arrive.

Technical Details

Z9 600mm f4 (1/3200 sec at f7.1, ISO 1600) Levels, reduction of highlights, crop for comp, Topaz DeNoise.

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This is wonderful, Jim. Perfect timing on your part and a perfect trajectory on the bird’s part. I could see a crop with some off the top and the right to decenter the bird a bit more, but this crop works well.

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How cool!! What a fun idea and the little birdie seems to be enjoying it too. A fantastic pose with great DOF and BG!

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Jim, I am sure you and Jenny enjoyed this. I never knew that birds would come to eat out of your hand like that. I had a hummingbird to do it once on the one-holed hummingbird feeder that was made specific for feeding them out of your hand. As soon as I got it I tried it, and the male came. I can still remember the wings fanning air on my hand. It was a neat experience, but never had one do it again, so quit trying. Great timing on this, and wonderful composition.

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